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Wednesday, June 2, 2010

The Shoe Tree

Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Middlegate to Austin, NV
63 miles

I've now heard it too many times. "There's nothing to see in Nevada." or "It's a moon scape." We just rode over 63 miles of absolute beauty. We got pretty spread out this morning so I was riding alone for several miles, and absolutely could not believe the beautiful vistas I experienced. On one side were huge mountains with deep snow still in them. And then all around were the mountains of Nevada. We went over three significant passes today and then rode down the other side 10 to 15 miles before hitting bottom. Riding up these same hills was a challenge, but screaming down the other side--absolute bliss.

The picture above (taken with absolutely the wrong lens setting) is of the Shoe Tree, the major tourist attraction between here and Carson City. You can't see it very well, but all those clumps in the trees above are shoes, tied together and slung over branches...thousands of them. And they smell like old shoes, too; but it is fascinating, and fun (sort of). Chuck, one of the other riders said he found it a bit "grotesque". Whatever, it was a great excuse for a rest for a few minutes, and if you ever drive across Nevada Highway 50, look for the Shoe Tree!

Tonight we are in Austin, NV. We calculated how far we had come so far and it came to just a bit over 450 miles. Tomorrow we will go over 500 for sure. It's funny how our bodies seem to be adjusting to the "day's work"--getting from point A to point B. A few weeks ago, I could not imagine riding 450 miles in a week. Now it doesn't seem so overwhelming. What's wrong with this picture? Oh yea...and I also calculated how many calories we burned today. It came to more than 3500.

Hope you are all well. Go out, get on your bikes and ride around the block, and remember there are 3 old guys riding across the country trying to call attention to the fact that very near your homes there are hungry families wondering where their next meal will come from. Your contributions to your neighborhood (or Catholic Charities) food bank can make a huge difference. After your ride around the block, send a check!

1 comment:

  1. It's actually a great shot. I'm really enjoying your photos and your blog. Good riding,

