Portland, Maine
Saturday, July 31, 2010
Today at about 1:30 p.m. EDT, Joe and I finished our ride. You may have heard the whoops, whistles, and yelling. The scene could not have been more beautiful. We arrived at the East End Beach and Boat Ramp and were welcomed not only by our own crew and Joe's brother's family, but some interested by-standers who also got into the spirit of the event and welcomed us "home".
I'm not going to write much tonight other than to say that when Joe and I hugged each other, we both started crying like babies...without shame. We were so filled with emotion that it just came rolling out. The moment was caught 60 different ways on camera, but I like the one that shows us riding the last 50 feet, tongue hanging out and absolutely full of joy. Two seconds later we were hugging everyone in sight and then dipped our front wheel in the Atlantic ocean. My words now simply cannot express the sense of accomplishment, gratitude and relief that we felt.
Our final day was pretty magical. We started at the normal time, met the gang for lunch around 11 a.m. and rode the last 20 miles very carefully so as to avoid any last minute mishaps. Our final mileage was right at 75 miles and put us well over 4000 for the whole ride.
Tomorrow we start the transition from bike ride to truck ride home. I am excited to see this new truck and get it on the road toward home. I'll post some more pictures of our finish tomorrow.
Love to you all and thanks to all of you who are sending good wishes. It means so much to receive them.
Well done, Rich and company. My check is on its way to the South Sacramento Interfaith Food Closet.