Ride Against Hunger
July 12, 2010
Lost Lake, Wisconsin (At a National Forest Campsite of which there are thousands)
Some nights when I sit down to write, I’m not sure which “story” to write about. Several are floating around this evening. I’ll do a little of each.
First thing I wanted to pick up on is how kind people have been to us. Two quick examples. Yesterday, Cindy met us in a little town called Fifield for lunch. The clouds had been darkening all morning, and just as we arrived it started to rain pretty hard. As we rode into town, I told Joe that I hoped Cindy had parked close to a covered place we could park our bikes while it rained. Turned out, she did.
Across the street was a house with an open garage door. I knocked on the door and a guy yells out for me to come in. I asked him if there we could park our bikes in his garage while we ate lunch since it was raining. “Sure, bring them in,” said our newest angel, Don. You see his picture at the top of the blog. He seemed very pleased when I asked if I could take his picture. I hope he sees it.
Then today, Cindy and the riders got mixed up as to which corner we would meet at. I was at one corner, she at another about a mile away. I didn’t want to leave because I was fearful I would miss her coming a different way. A guy came up in a pickup truck heading her direction. I asked him if he would tell her where I was (if she was where I thought she would be). Not five minutes later she came driving up. There really are angels all around if we look for them.
Second, I must comment on the place we are staying tonight. It is in the Nicolet National Forest close to “Lost Lake.” Our campsite is about 40 yards from a wonderful little beach alongside a pristine lake. Cindy and I put on our swimsuits and refreshed our selves in the very clear, cool waters of a like we were glad had been found. We sat on the beach for a while discussing how fortunate we are to be able to take the time to travel across the US and to experience the really out of the way, beautiful spots like Lost Lake. What a privilege.
And finally, the ride today was 66 miles of simple beauty in the Northern part of the State of Wisconsin. Tomorrow night we will be in Michigan, Kathy will rejoin the team, and we will enter into the Eastern Time Zone. And we will move on toward our eleven days riding in Canada. Thanks for hanging with us…Make a donation for hunger relief!!!
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