I told Cindy and Joe that Minnesota may turn out to be my favorite state. Today was simply an over the top perfect day. At one point Joe said to me, "OK...smooth roads, wind at our back, astounding beauty, light traffic, what do we have to complain about?" And of course there was not one thing that I could come up with that wasn't just perfect. Sorta makes up for some of the days we had last week with the head-winds in North Dakota.
The high-point of the day was a quick ride through Itasca State Park. Joe planned the route for today and noticed that this park is the home to the headwaters of the Mississippi River, so we took an extra hour to take it in. The pictures you see include Lake Itasca which overflows into a bubbling little stream that will eventually become a mighty river. We couldn't help wonder how long it would take for this beautiful, clear water to be fouled by the BP Oil Spill at the other end of our nation. Will they ever get it stopped?
Received a care package today from my younger brother, Ron. Two new tires and a pair of water-proof shoes...maybe just in time. The rear tire on my bike was getting pretty smooth, but it has been replaced with a brand new one. Still no flats (wood knocking sound)!
Tonight we are in a wonderful campground on the south edge of Leach Lake. The town nearby is called Walker. Temps are mild, we had a wonderful dinner, and we are celebrating a beautiful 77 mile ride and the astounding scenery our Creator has somehow put together for us to enjoy, learn from and love.
Tomorrow promises new challenges. Rain predicted for much of the day, and the pesky head winds may be back. Will make the 70 miles over to Jacobson, MN a bit more difficult, but tonight the word is GRATITUDE!
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