Five Miles (Road into town and back)!
About one day a week we try NOT to get on the bikes, and let our bodies rest and heal. Today was the day, and it simply could not have been in a more beautiful spot. St. Ignace is located right on the shores of where Lake Michigan transitions into Lake Huron, and the Mackinac (pronounced Mackinaw) Bridge connects the upper and lower parts of Michigan. We woke up this morning to the cry of sea gulls searching the campsite for leftovers from last night's dinners.
We slept in (that means until 6 a.m. for me), had a leisurely breakfast, read and sent e-mails, and rode our bikes into town for some fun shopping, good long cups of coffee and conversation, and a picnic lunch along the lake shore. We learned that Jesuit Father Marquette played a huge part in the development of this part of the country and was beloved by the native Americans who lived here at the time.
Even Ginger couldn't keep her eyes open today.
So tonight we are preparing for our ride into Canada tomorrow. We will enter into Sault Ste. Marie at about 55 miles, cross the international bridge with passports in hand, and then ride for the next eleven days in the great nation of Canada. We will be there for nearly 750 miles...and then finish in Vermont, New Hampshire and Maine...two weeks from tomorrow. Yikes...we may make it!
Short blog tonight...but a few pictures are added to help tell the story of the day.
Take care, all.
Well, you two gentlemen on bikes and you two ladies in support are doing a fantastic job. Rich, I may be asking your advice on raising money for next year. Sarah and Emily just broke the news to their mom they want to ride next summer. Me: I'm looking at three more months of painting. Should have stuck with the bicycling!