Traffic and Shoulders
Today we rode about 65 miles from Spragge to a few miles west of Sudbury, Ontario, which is a pretty good sized city with a population of over 160,000. It was a very stressful ride for two reasons: very narrow shoulder (sometimes none at all) and lots of traffic including big logging trucks. My only memory I have is staring at the 12-15 inch strip of pavement that I was trying to stay on so as not to be hit by the stream of cars, campers, and trucks.
We haven’t said much about traffic on this trip and that is because for the most part, we have been able to avoid high population areas where there would be more cars. We had a few miles in Salt Lake City that were pretty crazy and a few other places where we had to watch out, but NOTHING like today.
These are two lane roads. The worst scenario is when two cars or trucks are meeting each other right where we are riding. I tend to hold my breath and keep my bike going as straight as I possibly can.
So by lunch-time, Joe and I were pretty burned out. We looked and looked for a place to stop for lunch. Finally we saw two small homes set off from the road a bit. I suggested we go ask if we could eat lunch in their front yard. No one home. About that time Cindy and Kathy showed up with RV. We parked the motor home in the driveway and sat down at the table to eat lunch. No sooner had we gotten our lunches out and the owner drove in. OH OH!
How will she react? I got out of the RV and walked up to her garage as she parked. As soon as she was out of the car, I asked her if we could eat lunch in her driveway. “Why do that?” says Myrna Martin. “Why not bring your food around to the back and eat at my picnic table?” By then we were already spread out at the table in the motor home, so we passed on the offer. But we were so impressed with her kind Canadian hospitality. The picture you will see tomorrow when I can upload it is of course Myrna, for sure our angel for the day.
We have several more days on this same highway. We are praying for less traffic and wider shoulders. Go ahead, you can pray for the same thing!
Rich, I like the tired looking dog and your discussion of losing weight. After you finish this ride you might do some motivational speaking, I think. Keep up the good work. My painting plan for JDRF is working. Check my Facebook some time. Good luck.