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Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Riding Buddies

It is not possible to over estimate the importance of having company on the Ride Against Hunger. The two guys are Joe Ossmann on the left and Chuck Boehme on the right. We've all ridden every mile together since starting at the Great Highway in San Francisco. That does not mean that we are always "right together". But it does mean we watch out for one another and make sure that bikes and bodies are all together as we move along.

When the wind is in our face we do a mini-pace-line. A pace line is when a whole bunch of riders line up behind one another, ride fairly close together, and get the benefit of someone breaking the wind in front of you. The three of us do that in one-mile stints. Joe rides for a mile in the front, and then fades off to the left, and Chuck comes to the front, and leads for a mile. Then I take my turn. It is incredibly helpful. Fighting the wind by yourself for mile after mile can become very demoralizing. But having one hard mile, and then two easier ones makes the whole riding experience much more doable.

It is like that in all of life, right? When facing head-winds or when facing difficult issues, sometimes we simply need someone to walk in front of us or to provide some support. And that frankly is why Emergency Food Banks are so crucial. There are so many people facing fierce winds: unemployment, loss of homes, illnesses without access to health care. A few day supply of food to keep the family going can be a huge relief for families in crisis. Please, as you experience someone "breaking wind" for you, find a way to do the same for individuals and families needing something as simple as food.

1 comment:

  1. Hi

    Glad you're hanging in there and posting the notes that reflect the who, what, where, and why of your travels. We had B and Z here after school. Tomorrow is their last day of first and fourth grades. Can you believe it? We're so lucky to have them so close.

    Be safe

