The ride from a different view.
Sidney, Montana
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Rich asked me to add a few words to his blog about what it’s like to be part of the support team for the Ride Against Hunger. One word. BUSY!
Kathy and I somehow imagined that the trip would be 10 weeks of simple time. Send the riders off in the early AM, meet them in the afternoon at the new campsite and have all the time we wanted in between to explore, do side trips, hike and whatever else occurred to us. Wrong.
I won’t bore you with the details of our set up and take down routine, gas stops, groceries, cooking enough calories for these guys, etc. Just take my word for it, we don’t sit much.
The best thing is that this ride is teaching me more about living in the moment than I ever knew was possible. Not a day at a time, but a mile at at time. And at about 11:30 am, to spot those two small bright green dots on the road ahead and know that we’ve found our riders and they are okay, that’s real joy.
So herding a 25 ft motor home down the road may not be glamorous, but we’re having a blast. Tomorrow North Dakota and the half-way point of this trek. How did it happen so fast?!
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