Ride Against Hunger
Riding Day 24...from Roundup to Winnett, MT
Today we rode about 50 miles into eastern Montana. We were in Winnett before 10:30 a.m. and had the rest of the day to let Joe's knee completely heal. He was much better today and we're thinking that he is as good as new (almost).
I wanted to tell you just a bit about the Ossmanns. Joe is my riding buddy. He is retired from the California State Department of Corrections, but has has a long commitment to making corrections about healing rather than punishment. From my point of view, he's just a kid...around age 62 or so. What I so appreciate about Joe is that he is a walking encyclopedia about everything wildlife. He knows flowers, trees, birds and animals. I tend to become oblivious to what is around me but Joe helps me me be aware of what we are seeing. Today we saw a huge hawk sitting on top of an electric pole. When he took off flying, he was carrying a four foot long snake with him. You don't see that very often in Sacramento. Joe and I are pretty evenly matched on our bikes. Some days he's stronger than me and carries me up the hills...other days I am the stronger rider. But the truth is, we enjoy riding together. We don't talk a lot (I like that), but we say what is necessary to keep ourselves going.
Joe has a blog of his own that you might want to check out. It is at www.joesbikeblog.blogspot.com.You will get another view of what we are doing each day.
Kathy Ossmann has played a crucial role on this trip. She is our camp-site selector and organizer. She has figured out where we will camp or lodge every night of our trip, and will continue to do that until we hit Portland, Maine. Finding RV sites in towns with populations of 150 is not always easy. Last night we were across the river from the fair grounds in Roundup. I am extremely grateful to Kathy for her efforts to find places to stay.
Kathy is also on a quest to find, buy and fix locally produced foods for us as we move across the nation. She has a blog on which she shares what she has found each day. I can attest to the fact that it is good food. Her blog site is:
www.kathystravelfeast.blogspot.com. I hope you will check it out.
Joe and Kathy are both excellent musicians. They have been participating in the Sacramento Master Singers for 18 years. In fact the director of the Master Singers met them for lunch near Jackson, Wyoming. It was an emotional meeting because Joe and Kathy are in the process of moving from Sacramento to Paw Paw, Michigan soon after their return to California and they will no longer be a part of the choir. They are also very active in the Sacramento Friends Community and it is there that Cindy met these fine people.
The motor home in which we now live for the ten weeks belongs to them. They have shared it graciously with us and we are learning to live together quite well in this 25 foot, two bedroom, one bath, home on wheels. Joe and Kathy have been acquaintances for some time, but this trip will either cement or destroy a great friendship. I am truly grateful for this opportunity to get to know them better.
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