In case anyone's interested, I typed Joe's itinerary into Google Maps. It only takes 25 destinations at a time, so there are three:
The Ride Against Hunger. A 67 year old guy riding 67 miles a day for 67 days! San Francisco to Portland, Maine.
In case anyone's interested, I typed Joe's itinerary into Google Maps. It only takes 25 destinations at a time, so there are three:
Ride Against Hunger
Riding Day 3
Stockton to Pine Grove, California
Saturday, May 29, 2010
Word of the Day: Disappointment!
Unfortunately, we lost two members of our team today. Tim Viall, Director of the Emergency Food Bank, took a bad spill and reinjured two cracked ribs from an accident two months ago. He made a valiant effort to go on with the ride, but was having trouble breathing and experienced a lot of pain. He therefore reluctantly decided not to continue on the ride. John Viall, Tim’s brother then decided that he also would not go forward with the ride.
So now, Joe Ossmann, Chuck Bohme and I will continue, Chuck plans to ride to Billings, Montana. We are trying to talk him into staying for the whole trip. Fortunately, Tim and his wife Susan will join us tomorrow night at the Kirkwood Inn for dinner and a toast.
Tomorrow is one of the hardest days of the whole ride--50 miles, but almost all of it up hill. We will climb from 2300 feet elevation to 8000 feet. We are all rather anxious about the day.
Riding Day One. May 27, 2010
San Francisco to Mt. Diablo Camp Site.
Word of the Day—RAIN!!!
In 2007, Cindy and I had the privilege of travelling to Tanzania, Africa. On a very rainy day, we were told that in their country, rain is always welcomed because it means good luck. I kept trying to remind myself of that today as the rain poured down on our opening day trek from San Francisco to the base of Mt. Diablo where we are camping tonight. This is Good Luck...this is Good Luck...this is Good Luck???
We did the traditional wheel dip in the Pacific Ocean this morning. The picture shows the five riders, fists in the air full of excitement, expectation, and yes…fear. Can I do this? Will I fall and get hurt? Will I make it all the way to Portland, Maine? Will I get bored, too tired? Will I feel like quitting? All these and many more questions raced through my mind as we took our first few pedals up through Golden Gate Park.
After riding in driving rain through San Francisco and most of Oakland, we caught just a glimpse of blue sky, and by the end of the day, we had stripped off our rain gear and began to enjoy a beautiful afternoon.